La guerre de 1914-1918, la résistance des Québécois et les émeutes contre la conscription rappelées par d'émouvants témoignages, des images d'archives et surtout, des scènes de fiction au coeur du documentaire. Un film éclaté, d'esthétique brechtienne, porté par la musique et des chansons d'époque magnifiquement interprétées par Joe Bocan.
Un film sur la résistance à la Première Guerre mondiale au Québec.
It seems that Canada don't want to hear about their heroes of the two World Wars, especially in Quebec. In English, La Guerre oubliée means The Forgotten War. Here, we talk about the 1914-18 big thing. This documentary doesn't use old footage, but actors to show us some parts of that war in Quebec. Joe Bocan sings some songs of that period and makes the narrations. There's also some rare veterans of the war who talk. That kind of mixture between real documentary and historical acted fiction makes this movie very interesting, and shows us what it was to French Canadians in World War I. (IMDB)